Pocket Ferns & Florals

I have some exciting news!

I have a new stencil collection!

Pocket Sized Ferns & Florals

The rural Florida countryside that surrounds my home is lush with flora and fauna. With a small art bag in hand, I love to wander the paths that weave in and out of this rich landscape making notes, sketching and painting. The repetitiveness in my work reflects the reoccurrence of greenery and blooms noted as I explored.  I find myself drawn to the willowy stalks of the ferns and the delicate petals of the wildflowers that flourish in this rich warm climate. From the early morning curled heads of the maidenhead ferns to the drooping afternoon blooms of the cabbage rose, I found irresistible subjects dotting the protected habitat encircling my township.

I am in love with the small sizes of these new botanical themed stencils and masks. They will be perfect for all of my Pocket Journal pages as well as other projects. From tags to art journal pages to my favorite stitching projects, these are going to take all of floral images to the next level!

Hop on over to Stencil Girl Products now to see this and other collections of mine today.